Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Benefits of Using Mobile Signal Boosters

Every day we experience weak or no signal strength at some or the other time on our cell phones. And, if you travel a lot then you must have experienced it innumerous times. Mobile phone coverage can be spotty even in the city and it becomes really very hard to maintain a proper communication. However, with the use of an effective mobile signal booster, this problem can be easily solved. The use of mobile signal boosters to enhance the signal strength is an affordable, hassle-free and effective method.

Mobile phone signal boosters are a perfect way to increase call reception and reduce call drops. They work by amplifying the available mobile signal and spreading it through your home/office to provide reliable signal without lag or issue. These are relatively simple to install and come with everything you require to get started. This is a must have thing for people who love to travel or have to travel a lot from one place to another due to their job.

Reduce Call Drops Issue
 In the present time, more and more people seem to be interested in acquiring a mobile phone signal booster to counter the problem of weak cell phone signals and cell receptions.

Benefits of using mobile signal boosters-

What can be more beneficial than getting the full mobile signal on your smart phone or cell phone?  However, apart from this, there are numerous benefits of using signal boosters in your home, office and outdoor locations, such as-

By using a mobile phone signal booster, you will finally be able to get the full benefit of your cell phone inside your home and place of work. With the right and effective usage, you will experience no more call drops and no more annoying signal loss. Depending on your needs, you can boost GSM, 2G, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi connections. Mobile boosters have a very wide range to choose from. You can pick one for using it in your home, office, ship or any outdoor area.

The variety of signal booster models can satisfy every customer. Mobile phone signal boosters come for almost every location be it your home, office, ship, car, resort or any other outside location. There is already a wide range of, cars and ships. The manufacturers do their best to bring on the devices which can work in multiple or different locations. So, with the right choice of signal booster, you can be sure that anywhere and anytime you are guaranteed to have a robust and stable mobile phone signal.

With more and more people opting for smart phones, it becomes increasingly important to keep the phone operating at the best performance possible. Nothing can be worse than being totally dependent on your cell phone, and realizing you can’t use it due to the signal issue. Having a perfect signal booster can really be an advantage in these situations, as in case of an emergency no one cell phone boosters for private houses, offices, high-rise buildings ants to drop a call or have low mobile phone signal.

Best Use of Signal Booster
Best Use of Signal Booster
 Signal boosters start working immediately – as soon as you switch them on. So, you don’t have to wait for on anything. Just switch it on and enjoy a good-quality signal at once.

Also, the prices of these devices are very affordable. Anyone can have these boosters as manufacturers offer a pleasant variety of tools and devices customized to specific needs and requirements.

However please note, the price range will vary depending on the model and the manufacturer. So, it is recommended to compare a few models and manufacturers before making the final call.

Monday, 27 March 2017

DIY Tips to Boost Cell Phone Reception at Your Home or Office

In the recent past years, we are permanently switching from landlines to cell phones. And you would have definitely experienced call drops, voice breakage, no signal bars, etc. whenever you’re out and far away. But, do you know, it can be even worse when you live in a remote or rural area with very weak or even no cell phone signal strength. Don’t worry; there are a few ways to boost your signal strength.

boost your signal strength
boost your signal strength
 Here are four of the best DIY tips about boosters which can help you amplify your cellular signal strength-

Ask your service provider for a Signal Booster-

The first tip is to have a device called a signal booster. It is commonly known as a repeater also, and it improves the cell phone reception at your home or office by amplifying and repeating the signal strength up to 36X. Now, there are many variations of signal boosters. They can cost from $4 to $4000 as per the requirements. Now, one thing more you may be unaware of is that many service providers let you borrow these devices for a very small deposit or no deposit at all. They know signal strength is a huge issue, and do not want you leaving for another provider when a simple equipment or device upgrade can make you happy. So, ask for it today itself.

Use your Wi-Fi to make calls-

This may seem like an obvious idea to some of you who are already making Wi-Fi calls, but for many people, it’s an option they had never known. Most of us have Wi-Fi connections in our homes or offices and we tap into it with our smart phones, computers, laptops and gaming consoles to access the internet and other such online stuff. However, they are very handy for making phone calls too. Several smart phones have a Wi-Fi calling feature. Once you set up your phone to automatically connect to Wi-Fi when you are at your home or office, you will even not notice that you are making the call over Wi-Fi connection rather than your cellular signals.

So, what’s more interesting? The switch between the cellular network and your home Wi-Fi network can be seamless i.e. you can enter the house talking on the phone over 2G, 3G or 4G, and finish your conversation over Wi-Fi signals.

Try a Femtocell-

This is certainly not as beneficial as a mobile signal booster, but it can be worthy if your options are limited. To start with this, you need to understand the difference between a mobile signal booster and a femtocell. A mobile signal booster captures the signal available at your home or office, boosts it to the greatest extent, and then provides this boosted signal to your phone or device. A femtocell, on the other hand, is more like a mini cell phone tower. It is about the same size of a router, and also works in the same manner. However, these are easier to install and prove to be a better option for people who have absolutely no coverage in their home or office.

Please note- A mobile signal booster requires some at least kind of signal to boost.

Use an External Antenna-

There is a wide range of external antennas which can be plugged into the headphone jack of your phone and can boost the cellular signal. Depending on the features and model of your cell phone, there will be different options available to you. Although, the major drag with external antenna is that they are bulky and inconvenient, but if you’re out in the middle of nowhere, then it can be a reliable and possible option to you.

Please note- It’s certainly not the one which you can just pop in your pocket when you’re out dancing at the club, pub or bar.

Lastly, you can try any of the above-mentioned tips to boost your signal strength and enjoy seamless connections at your home or office.

Practical Uses of Mobile Signal Boosters

By now, you probably know what mobile phone signal boosters are. These small gadgets help in improving your cellular or mobile phone’s signal strength. In simple words, a mobile signal booster takes a weak cellular signal (2G, 3G and/or 4G LTE), amplifies it multiple times up to 32X, and then rebroadcasts the boosted signal to an area in need, be it your home, office or car. These are compatible with all cell phone service providers and work on any mobile phone that uses 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE signals.

As we all know there are a lot of factors that inhibit you from getting a robust mobile phone signal. Several physical obstructions such as hills, tall buildings, etc. will surely level the mobile phone signal and add to that fact that you are situated in a faraway place, your mobile phone’s capacity to grasp good signal strength will surely diminish. And, this is where a mobile phone signal booster comes into rescue. The mobile phone booster will boost or amplify even the weakest signals and it will strengthen your mobile phone’s signal reception.

Today, we are going to learn about the few uses of mobile phone signal boosters. We do hope that after reading this piece of article, you will get the one for yourself-

Boost Mobile Signals in Car

Homes: Your place of residence or home is probably the best venue to use a mobile phone signal booster. A lot of us rely on Wi-Fi connections when it comes to surf the internet, but that too has problems of its own. And due to these reasons, some people resort to using 3G or 4G LTE data instead. But, always remember, if you’re suffering from a low mobile phone signal reception then surely your data streaming capabilities too will be hampered. On addition to this, if you have a low mobile phone signal reception then your call clarity and your ability to send text messages will also be hampered as well. So, there is no other better option than a mobile signal booster to fix this. Get mobile phone signal booster that can effectively re-broadcast signal in your home. Also remember, the land size of your house to matters. So, be sure to get an appropriate mobile phone signal booster for your home. AVA Systems can help you get the one.

Vehicles: There are also different types of mobile phone signal boosters which can be installed in vehicles. For instance, if you travel a lot and you use your car, then there are mobile phone signal boosters that can be installed in your car too.

Boats: Do you know that you can also get a mobile phone signal booster that you can install on your boat? There are mobile phone signal boosters which can be easily installed on your boat or yacht. However, ensure to get signal boosters that have more than 65dB of gain to ensure that it works well even if you’re far away from the city.

Office: As mobile and cell phones have become imperative for successful business operation, there is a huge range of cell phone booster for offices which can tune into varied frequency bands and help you stay connected hassle-free at any hour of the day or night. These mobile phone boosters ensure seamless transmission of voice and data.

Signal Booster for Home

Clip-On: There are several mobile phone signal boosters which can be clipped directly to your cell phone. Although, not all mobile phones are supported, but you can choose the one that supports the particular model of your phone. If you have a flagship mobile phone, then there will always have a clip-on signal booster for your particular phone.

Lastly, as you can see there are multiple uses of mobile phone signal boosters, ensure that you get a consistent and steady mobile phone signals to make the most out of your phone.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a mobile phone signal booster for yourself.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Increase your cellular signal strength and say bye to call drops!

Got a bad cellular signal issue? Are you too one amongst the other Indians who consistently face the issue of poor cellular signals and call drops? If yes, then you are at the right place. Gone are the days when you could do nothing but just sit and curse your signal provider. Today We are AVA Systems- cellular booster specialists. We deliver cutting edge cellular signal boosters, goods and services. With AVA Signal Booster Company by your side, call drops will become vintage.

Increase your cellular signal strength
Increase your cellular signal strength
We at Ava Systems takes pride in delivering leading-edge mobile signal booster in India with proven capability of amplifying the signal by up to 36x in weak cellular network areas. We present a wide range of cell phone boosters for home and offices, which include Seguro 2G and 3G boosters, which can tune into varied frequency bands and help you stay connected hassle-free at any hour of the day or night. All our signal boosters are health friendly and government approved. We also offer one-year replacement warranty coverage and provide 24*7 customer service support.

And apart from just offering all types of signal boosters, we also specialize in providing a variety of valuable and essential accessories. Our list of accessories includes booster antennas, cables, connectors, bullets, T-splitter and Coupler. These accessories come in different variants and you may choose the one which suits your requirement.

So, what are you still waiting for? Make haste. Visit our website now at- http://www.avasystemssignals.com/ and get an appropriate signal booster for your specific requirement. Hurry up and don’t miss the chance to stay connected seamlessly with robust signal strength from the comfort of your home or office.