Monday, 26 June 2017

How mobile signal boosters can be helpful for your business?

Smartphones have changed the way we think about businesses. They are no longer just a device used for communication. These day’s smartphones have become a very vital necessity of monitoring and functioning a business. Most of the businesses rely on these devices to carry out almost every task in their organization. However, for successful monitoring and organization of businesses, cell phone reception is extremely important. Whether the smartphone is being used in office premises or outside the office premise, a strong cell-phone reception is very crucial for effective transmission of voice and data as well as accessing cloud and other such applications.

mobile signal boosters can be helpful for your business

Although, telecom service providers have done a great job of deploying cell phone towers to cover almost every area in which they provide their cellular services, there are still many pockets within these areas that observe weak cell-phone reception. Now, even if your work place is located in the area with excellent signal strength, you can still land in these pockets of low reception while commuting back and forth to your work-place or taking a work-related business trip. However, with the right cell phone signal booster, any of the problems which you might be experiencing because of a weak cell-phone reception will be a thing of the past.

Mobile signal boosters are the devices which amplify weak cell phone receptions to provide you robust connectivity round the clock for effective transmission of voice and data. Cell phone boosters generally use decibels (dB) to enhance the range on a cellular frequency between a cell phone users and a mobilesignal booster. The more dB contained in a cellular booster, the greater the coverage will provide.

Why should you buy a cell phone booster?

Now there are many demerits of weak cell-phone receptions or bad signal strengths. Some of them are listed below-
  • Weak cell phone reception drains your mobile phones battery because the phone is continually searching for the most reliable and stronger signal strength. And, the longer it searches, the more power it uses.
  •  Sometimes the buildings we work in are not conducive to good cell phone reception. Even partitions between rooms can block cell phone signals too.
  • Today, good cell phone reception has become a vital necessity in the workplace.

 Some key benefits of mobile signal boosters-

cell phone booster
 If you are using a mobile signal booster for business purposes, you will enjoy a wide variety of benefits. Some of them are:

  • Affordability: Mobile signal boosters provide your business with a very cost effective means of improving cell phone reliability.
  • Convenience: These boosters are very easy to set up and install. You can start enjoying the benefits right away.
  • Improve reliability and speed: With the right signal booster, you can improve both reliability and speed for cell phone users.
  • Work with any network or mobile carrier: This is the biggest benefit. You can use these signal boosters with any network or carrier.

However, for the best operation and result, you should install the mobile signal booster in an area where signal issues exist more. You may choose to set the antenna on one of the windows in the affected room. However, you will receive the best reception when mounted outside, and be sure to aim the antenna at the nearest mobile phone tower. It is advised to try out placing the signal booster in several areas until you acquire the strongest possible signal.

On a closing note, it is the time to stop wasting money on interrupted data transfers. By using reliable mobile signal boosters you can experience better cell phone receptions, easy transfer of voice and data, stronger signal strength and fewer dropped connections. With suitable mobile signal booster for your office, call drops and slow internet speed will be a thing of past. There are a number of GSM and CDMA signal boosters and 2G, 3G and 4G mobile signal boosters are available in the market which can cater to your every signal and can be very beneficial for your business.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

The benefits of telecom solutions in healthcare industry

Information technology (IT) supports a number of core and peripheral operations in the healthcare industry. Starting from maintaining patient’s data to carefully monitoring patient’s health to researching optimal therapies, IT is ubiquitous in the healthcare industry in the worldwide. It is becoming a very vital part in the medical and healthcare industry.
telecom solutions in healthcare industry

With the day by day global proliferation of the healthcare industry, there is a huge demand of shared databases and records of medical histories of patients. And this increasing demand can only be addressed with the implementation of IT- and other telecom-centric solutions. There are a number of technologies such as cloud computing and other software solutions which are developed specifically for the healthcare industry are addressed as an integral part of this trend. They are the bridge through which medical records, databases and other applications can be effectively connected between different healthcare facilities.

Now, there are numerous benefits of utilization of telecom industry in medicals and healthcare industry. Some of them are as follows-

Few benefits to the patient:
  • People who live in rural areas, or other such areas who do not have any access to specialist care services are able to consult a healthcare provider without any need of travelling to a long distance
  • With the help of the collaboration of telecom and healthcare industry, those people who are facing chronic conditions and need regular monitoring of their vital statistics are able to send their reports and statistics to their physicians without visiting them
  • One of the biggest benefit of the use of telecom industry in medicals and healthcare is for people who are recovering from effects of stroke, a severe accident or heart attack. Such individuals who are homebound or are advised bed rest need not to travel to see their physician
  • The online access to laboratory test results reduces the need for patients to visit their physician
  • The increased level of telecom and healthcare industry collaboration leads to patient-empowerment, which results in more patient-centric care provision.
diagnosing and treating their medical health conditions

Apart from just patients, this collaboration is also beneficial to healthcare providers. Some of them are as follows-

Few benefits to the healthcare provider:
  • With fewer patients having to physically visit the doctor, clinics will observe shorter lines, leading to improved capacity to serve more patients
  • Greater collaboration between healthcare providers can result to cost-savings
  • The greater collaboration of healthcare and telecom solutions will result in increased ability regularly monitor a patient’s condition which will enable physicians to provide better attention and care to the patient’s needs
  • Increased collaboration can lead to patients being released earlier, freeing up beds for other patients

On a closing note, the collaboration of IT and telecom solutions in healthcare industry have several advantages.  The recent advancements in the telecommunications and IT industry have together made it possible to monitor patients remotely and also to use some more accurate methodologies in diagnosing and treating their medical health conditions. As technology continues to evolve, various new ways of medical collaborations are becoming highly relevant and vital, which is drastically increasing the effectiveness of communication between a patient and his doctor. As a result, the quality of medical and healthcare services available to patients in the developing world is poised to greatly improve. The round-the-clock monitoring has only been made possible with the usage of intelligent IT and telecom solutions in the healthcare industry. Telemedicine is an area that has immense potential, and medical establishments are looking at opportunities for investment here. Although the traditional telecom solutions have achieved some strong penetration in medical and healthcare industry, with more sophisticated solutions this collaboration has yet a long way to go for enabling a new-age healthcare system. Lastly, it is predicted that the demand for IT and telecommunications solutions and products in the healthcare sector will continue to see an upward rise in the coming future years.

How to solve network coverage issues in India?

Most of us, at different times of a day find ourselves stuck in areas with limited or weak cell phone signal strengths. And, making calls or sharing transferring data in such situations becomes an annoying task. Now, some time, we get success in getting signal strengths on our mobile phones while other times we might just keep wandering here and there in order to get at least a single bar on top of our mobile phones.  The biggest reason why we keep moving here and there in a hassle is that we have no clue as to where we might get the signals strength. But, if we look towards the factors or reason behind network coverage issues in India then here are a few of them –
Factors responsible for network coverage issues in India-
  • Inadequate coverage- Lack of infrastructure, improper network planning and non-optimization of networks are some of the reasons resulting in the inadequate coverage. 
  • Overloaded cell phone towers- With the day by day growing number of subscribers, network providers are not able to ramp up the network capacity to the same pace which is resulting in overloaded cell phone towers. 
  • Technical issues- Downtime and other related issues which are beyond anyone’s control often result in network coverage issues such as slow internet speed and weak cell phone receptions. 
  • Changing cityscapes- New multi-storey buildings being constructed every day and rapidly changing cityscapes are a few factors responsible for this.


Also, Apart from the above stated reasons, mobile network operators also blame spectrum shortage for the allied network coverage issues such as call drops, slow internet speed, etc. Now, despite all the factors and reasons, cell phone signal providers must own the responsibility to solve such issues and provide uninterrupted and seamless transmission of voice and data. Here is a list of few things to consider which can help in getting rid from such issues.

Solutions for network coverage issues in India-
  • Look for all the obstructions- Try to reduce the interference between your cell phone and cell tower. You can move outside or get near a window or reduce interior clutter to get good signal strengths.
  • Try to locate the nearest cell phone tower- The nearest cell phone tower helps in getting the best cell phone reception. Search in your phone’s setting and try to connect to the nearest cell phone tower.
  • Use your Wi-Fi network- If you have a landline internet connection then connecting your smart phone to it can help you in boosting the reception.
  • Try other network operator- Do a right research and switch to a different network which offers better connectivity in your area. This might also help you get huge discounts on your bills. 
  • Signal Boosters- Indoor coverage is always a problem faced by everyone in India. Just like foreign countries, we can use mobile signal boosters here in India too. Cell phone signal boosters catch weak cell phone signals and amplify it up to 32X. These are small devices which are compatible with almost every smart phone and work with all mobile signal carriers. Depending upon your requirement you can pick 2G, 3G or 4G mobile network boosters. You can install them in your home, office or any outdoor location where you receive weak cell phone signals.
Mobile signal booster India

On a closing note, unless you are ok with the slow internet speed, dropped calls and other network related issues its worth trying the above stated solutions. If you are looking for assistance in choosing a suitable mobile signal booster for your specific needs then visit us today. We at AVA Systems have an exclusive range of mobile network boosters to cater to your every single need. We have government approved and branded Seguro signal boosters for your home and office which will provide you uninterrupted calling experience and seamless transmission of voice and data. Call us to have a free demo today!